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treatment of prisoner中文是什么意思

用"treatment of prisoner"造句"treatment of prisoner"怎么读"treatment of prisoner" in a sentence


  • 罪犯的处理


  • Their barbarous treatment of prisoners aroused great rage
  • This includes humane treatment of prisoners and conquered enemies
  • The us appeared to bow to international pressure yesterday by declaring it would respect international laws against cruel and degrading treatment of prisoners
  • The pentagon this week issued its long - awaited new army field manual , forbidding all forms of torture and degrading treatment of prisoners by army personnel ? though not the cia
    本周五角大楼发布了期待已久的新版《陆军战场手册》 ,该手册明令禁止士官对战俘采取任何形式的酷刑或虐待? ?但不包括中情局。
  • They have also insisted the united states is living up to international obligations with regard to the treatment of prisoners and they have noted the access the international red cross , members of congress and others have had to the u . s . detention facility at the guantanamo bay , cuba , naval base
用"treatment of prisoner"造句  
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